Skin Sensitivity

Skin Palava
The skin is a very sensitive part of every human being more so for women, especially from the various beauty products, make-up and dead skin cells that builds-up on the skin surfaces which causes skin problem for us as women.

It is important therefore, for women do not just continue piling-up and buying the beauty product on the market but rather choosing the appropriate cleanser that best suit their skin type and using it correctly and regularly.

In fact it is important for a person to know why they should perform a task and the same goes for why women should cleanse their skin, doing it right and the benefits at the end of it all. Some women have never cleans in their lives, when trying to convinced them of the importance of cleansing, their answer is “Why do we have soap and water, after all I take my bath every day; so what’s the big deal if I don’t cleans”.

Yes! You have taken your bath but that alone is not effective enough, because cleansing go far deeper into the pores and aid in the thorough cleansing of the skin. Another disadvantage of washing with just soap and water is the fact that, chemicals which are present in soaps such as alkaline affect the sensitive nature of the skin especially the neck and face area which are very important to women (not that other parts of the body are not).

Women are advised and I stressed again advised to beware of bathing soaps which contains Sodium cocoate and Sodium tallowate, the ingredients in these soaps contribute in striping oils from the skin. It has been observed that, good soap cleansers are ones which leaves women feeling fresh and leaves the skin with moisture and not squeaky clean or tight as most soaps tends to feel on the skin after bathing.

It is also important for women to know which group or type of skin they belong to, whether dry, oily, and normal or those who belong to the sensitive group. There is no hiding the fact that, living in this humid and dusty part of the world needs special attention for the skin, but scrubbing harshly and choosing harsh and wrong choice of soaps and cleanser is not the answer to effective cleansing.

We shall surely talk next on proper ways to clean the skin.
