When Sarkodie thrilled Ludacris, heaven applauded

Ludacris SarkodieThe night of 29th September, 2012, wasn’t meant to be a contest, but of pure fun, joy and reliving the 020 mood. It was a night where bragging rights in some sort of way was a heartbeat on the minds of the faithful of Sarkodie; so it was just the right time to show what stuff he is made of, once that opportunity popped its head, Obidiponbidi slewed it.
Ludacris had performed most of his hits, and now it was time
for him to step aside, then came the song How Low Can You Go, the hit was getting groovy, then our man, Sarkodie hopped out and then ‘murdered’ the song instantly on the remixed version. There wasn’t any disappointment as both super-duper stars performed to the remix of the song.
Sarkodie went brilliant on the beat, Ludacris watched in admiration and nodded in obeisance knowing truly why our man is the fastest living rapper from Ghana. After thrilling Ludacris, it was time to pamper the audience with tunes like Saa Okodie, Life, Hustle (remix), When I Grow Up, Pizza and Burger, Boga, Baby, Give It To Me and You Go Kill Me.
Watch the video and clap for the multiple Ghana Music Awards and the BET Awards winner;
